Deca Norma 2ml 200mg




SUBSTANCE: Nandrolone Decanoate
CONTENT: 2 ml. Vial / 200mg/2ml (100mg/ml)
Deca information and description. Deca is an injectable steroid that is a derivative of 19-nortestosterone. Deca is a favorite to thousands of steroid users. Deca is a low androgenic steroid, with high anabolic properties. Deca is excellent for developing size and strength. Deca does not have very little liver toxicity nor does it disturb the body’s own hormone functions excessively. Deca will aromatize in high dosages, but not at the rate of testosterone’s or other high androgenic compounds.
Deca stack cycle and dosage. Deca can be used for cutting or for bulking. Athletes have stacked Deca with virtually every drug and come out with positive results. It is a good base drug on any cycle. Deca can be used by almost all athletes and give positive results while presenting very few side effects. Women use Deca but only in very low dosages; 50 mg per week. Deca has been established as a great soother of sore joints and tendons. Athletes report that sore shoulders, knees, and/or elbows are somehow without pain on the Deca cycle. This may be substantiated by proving it reduces the amount of cortisol getting into muscle tissue during the cycle. Deca also dramatically improves nitrogen retention and recuperation time between workouts. Deca also dramatically improves nitrogen retention and recuperation time between workouts. Deca has shown up positive on more steroid tests than any other steroid. This is due to the fact that so many athletes use it, and that it stays in the system at a detectable level for up to a year. The drug itself is effective for about two weeks. Average dosages of Deca are from 200 – 400 mg per week for men. Deca used to be the most available drug on the black market, but it is fading fast. It is still available legitimately under the LyphoMed name, as well as Organon, Ruby and Steris, to name the most common labels.
Deca durabolin (Norma)
Generic Name: nandrolone decanoate
World wide Deca is one of the most popular injectable steroids. It’s popularity is likely due to the fact that Deca exhibits significant anabolic effects with minimal androgenic side effects.
Considered by many the best overall steroid for a man to use (side effects vs. results) Deca durabolin is most commonly injected once per week at a dosage of 200-400mg. With this amount, estrogen conversion is slight so gyno is no problem. Also uncommon are problems with liver enzymes, blood pressure or cholesterol levels. At higher dosages, side effects may become increasingly more frequent, but this is still a very well tolerated drug. It should also be noted that in HIV studies, Deca has been shown not only to be effective at safely bringing up the lean bodyweight of patient but also to be beneficial to the immune system.
For bodybuilding, Deca durabolin can effectively be incorporated in both mass and cutting cycles it stacks good with sustanon, dianabol, anadrol… One major drawback to Deca is that it can be detected in a drug screen for as long as a year after use. Unfortunately for many competitive athletes, this makes Deca and other nandrolone products off limits. Deca is also a comparatively expensive anabolic. Black market, 200mg of Deca will cost upwards of $10.00 in most instances. Deca produces very few side effects.
It is easy on the liver and promotes good size and strength gains while reducing body fat. Deca can be used by almost all athletes, with positive results and very few side effects, deca has gained a reputation as being somewhat of an alleviator of sore joints and tendons. Athletes report that sore shoulders, knees and/or elbows are somehow without pain on the Deca cycle. This drug dramatically improves nitrogen retention and recuperation time between workouts.

Deca Durabolin
Deca Durabolin is one of the most popular injectable steroids. It’s popularity is likely due to the fact that Deca exhibits significant anabolic effects with minimal androgenic side effects. Considered by many the best overall steroid for a man to use (side effects vs. results) Deca is most commonly injected once per week at a dosage of 200-400mg. With this amount, estrogen conversion is slight so gyno is usually not a problem. Also uncommon are problems with liver enzymes, blood pressure or cholesterol levels. At higher dosages, side effects may become increasingly more frequent, but this is still a very well tolerated drug.

Deca durabolin (Organon)
Generic Name: nandrolone decanoate
Deca durabolin is the Organon brand name for nandrolone decanoate. World wide Deca is one of the most popular injectable steroids. It’s popularity is likely due to the fact that Deca exhibits significant anabolic effects with minimal androgenic side effects.
Considered by many the best overall steroid for a man to use (side effects vs. results) Deca durabolin is most commonly injected once per week at a dosage of 200-400mg. With this amount, estrogen conversion is slight so gyno is no problem. Also uncommon are problems with liver enzymes, blood pressure or cholesterol levels. At higher dosages, side effects may become increasingly more frequent, but this is still a very well tolerated drug. It should also be noted that in HIV studies, Deca has been shown not only to be effective at safely bringing up the lean bodyweight of patient but also to be beneficial to the immune system.
For bodybuilding, Deca durabolin can effectively be incorporated in both mass and cutting cycles it stacks good with sustanon, dianabol, anadrol… One major drawback to Deca is that it can be detected in a drug screen for as long as a year after use. Unfortunately for many competitive athletes, this makes Deca and other nandrolone products off limits. Deca is also a comparatively expensive anabolic. Black market, 200mg of Deca will cost upwards of $10.00 in most instances. Deca produces very few side effects.
It is easy on the liver and promotes good size and strength gains while reducing body fat. Deca can be used by almost all athletes, with positive results and very few side effects, deca has gained a reputation as being somewhat of an alleviator of sore joints and tendons. Athletes report that sore shoulders, knees and/or elbows are somehow without pain on the Deca cycle.
This drug dramatically improves nitrogen retention and recuperation time between workouts.

Deca Durabolin®
by Bill Roberts – This drug is unique (so far as I know) in that 5 a -reductase, the enzyme which converts testosterone to the more-potent DHT, actually converts nandrolone to a less-potent compound. Therefore this AAS is somewhat deactivated in the skin, scalp, and prostate, and these tissues experience an effectively-lower androgen level than the rest of the body. Therefore, for the same amount of activity as another drug at the androgen receptors (ARs) in muscle tissue, Deca gives less activity in the scalp, skin, and prostate. Thus, it is the best choice for those particularly concerned with these things.
Its effectiveness at the androgen receptor of muscle tissue is superior to that of testosterone: it binds better. Yet, it gives only about half the muscle-building results per milligram. This I think is a result of its being less effective or entirely ineffective in non-AR-mediated mechanisms for muscle growth.
It also appears less effective or entirely ineffective in activity on nerve cells, certainly on the nerve cells responsible for erectile function. Use of Deca as the sole AAS often results in complete inability to perform sexually.
These problems can be solved by combining with a drug that does supply the missing activity: e.g. testosterone .
Nandrolone is proven to be a progestin. This fact is of clear importance in bodybuilding, because while moderate Deca-only use actually lowers estrogen levels as a consequence of reducing natural testosterone levels and thus allowing the aromatase enzyme less substrate to work with, Deca nonetheless can cause gyno in some individuals. Furthermore, just as progesterone will to a point increase sex drive in women, and then often decrease it as levels get too high, high levels of progestogenic steroids can kill sex drive in male bodybuilders, though there is a great deal of individual variability as to what is too much.
Incidentally, this progestogenic activity also inhibits LH production, and contrary to common belief, even small amounts of Deca are quite inhibitory, approximately as much so as the same amount of testosterone.
To some extent, nandrolone aromatizes to estrogen, and it does not appear that this can be entirely blocked by use of aromatase inhibitors � indeed, aromatase may not be involved at all in this process (there is no evidence in humans that such occurs) with the enzyme CYP 2C11 being in my opinion the more likely candidate for this activity. In any case, Cytadren , an aromatase inhibitor, has not been found effective in avoiding aromatization of nandrolone.
The drug is moderately effective at doses of 400 mg/week. The long half-life of nandrolone decanoate makes it unsuited to short alternating cycles, but suitable for more traditional cycles, with a built-in self-tapering effect in the weeks following the last injection.

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